Walking together into a flourishing future
Jacob’s Well facilitates a range of projects which create safe spaces for conversations which go deep beneath the surface where we can discover the depth of our identity as human beings. From this place, in partnership with others and through networking with other agencies, both statutory and voluntary, we seek to walk with individuals into a flourishing future.
Whether it involves initiating a project ourselves or supporting someone else’s vision, Jacob’s Well takes an adaptable, flexible and responsive approach towards seeing projects launched which support the most vulnerable in our society.
If you have a project which needs a solid platform to grow from then please get in touch with us today...
Sharing someone’s story.
In a world of difficulty and division, we have found that there is incredible power in taking the time and courage to cross boundaries to come together and share one another’s stories. Jacob’s Well draws inspiration from the story of Jesus crossing racial boundaries and gender divides to take time to share someone’s story at a well which resulted in fresh life flowing in that place. These kinds of conversations can be challenging but also bring about lasting change.
Serving and supporting others
Since Jacob’s Well was formed as a charity in the 1990s we have served and supported individuals and the church in Derby through facilitating a range of ecumenical projects and this remains our aim today. Motivated by our Christian faith we are committed to serving others by aspiring to follow the Faith Works Charter in all areas of our work. We exist to:
Advance the Christian faith in accordance with our statement of beliefs, in Derby, the UK and other parts of the world.
Relieve persons who are in conditions of need or hardship or who are aged and to relieve the distress caused, to relieve sickness and promote good health.
Provide advice, counsel, assistance and support to persons who are suffering from any mental, psychological or emotional illness or distress.