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Providing a platform for new projects

Jacob’s Well has a proven track record in launching different projects which help us deliver our core objectives. Some projects we bring to birth and nurture for a time before helping them to grow into sustainable charity in their own right. Others we continue to nurture and steward longer term.


Drop-in services for vulnerable women

The Restore Project provides non-judgemental unconditional support to women working within the sex industry in Derby and Derbyshire. Using a chaplaincy-style approach, we walk alongside women, offering a listening ear, a helping hand and practical support when requested.

Our aim is to offer friendship and support to women in a non-judgemental and non-discriminatory way, whilst nurturing self-worth and giving help to access the appropriate services if necessary. Our van offers women a safe space to retreat during their working hours and we provide them with ‘beauty bags’ to help maintain personal hygiene.

We also help with follow-up work to help women access services which help them move away from negative life patterns.


Support for those who have been trafficked

In 2018, working in partnership with the Derby and Derbyshire Modern Day Slavery Partnership we started a new project ‘Rebuild’ to offer practical help in areas such as benefit support, housing support, accessing physical and emotional support to people who have been trafficked, this has now become a sustainable charity in its own right.


In 2020, in partnership with Green Pastures and St. Thomas Community, we began work on the ‘Epiphany’ project which will provide residential accommodation and training for the homeless, asylum seekers and survivors of modern slavery to help them overcome barriers to finding employment and engagement in the wider community.